Ever play the internet alphabet on your browser? All you have to do is type each letter in the browser and see what site your browser autocompletes to. I was surprised by some of my results but a lot of them just reassure and remind me of how much of a developer I am. Well… voila.
- amazon.com Starting to use this more and more.
- bankofamerica.com Indifferent.
- console.aws.amazon.com AWS seems to be my weapon of choice.
- developer.apple.com Learning iOS development
- espn.go.com Fantasy this year. Not sure why the leader picked ESPN though.
- facebook.com I don’t have any other f’s besides file:///
- github.com No surprise here.
- highcharts.com Surprise here. Not really many H’s in my history.
- imgur.com
- jsfiddle.net Collaborate is pretty cool.
- knowyourmeme.com Making a meme site requires you to know your memes.
- localhost:3000 One of many ports
- memery.io You should use it.
- news.ycombinator.com/news Followed by designer news.
- obtrusiv.com Not many O’s.
- pseg.com Oh Jersey.
- qdoba.com One of my first loves.
- reddit.com Obviously.
- sean.dev Development url for sean.is.
- tumblr.com Not sure why this came up over twitter. I hardly use tumblr.
- uber.com Never even used them before. Only U site.
- vimeo.com Working here requires this.
- weather.com Who wants to be rained on?
- xhr withcredentials – Google search
- youtube.com Typical.
- zachholman.com I promise I’m not a stalker. Only one Z.